This blog started as a week-by-week look at our lives in 2010 (hence the address) in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Now, with the closing of my other blog, from-russia, I've decided to extend this blog to cover 2011 as well (despite the address--which really bugs me now that it's inaccurate).

Thursday, August 4, 2011

week nineteen, 2011

Balshaya Konushenaya (Big Stable Street) has been under renovation for months. They have decided to cobblestone it to match Palace Square and update the median for pedestrians. These guys remind me of playing rock factory in elementary school. They take these square rocks, chip pieces off, and fit them into the circular pattern that will pave the road.

It was not finished in time for Victory Day. (When I did drive on the finished road--after St. P's birthday--I found that they did not level out the potholes before they cobblestoned. They just cobblestoned over them.)
A rather picturesque and atypical photo on Victory Day. The crowds were HORRIBLE.

Later that week we celebrated Lexi's birthday at home and at school.

Being hugged by her best buddies
Emily (US), Emilia (Netherlands), Begum (Turkey) and Sasha (UK/Russia).


  1. Lexi looks beautiful with her "Happy Birthday" smile. And the hat was a hit for another year! I see Sasha/Romeo is still in love with her! And why wouldn't he be?
