This blog started as a week-by-week look at our lives in 2010 (hence the address) in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Now, with the closing of my other blog, from-russia, I've decided to extend this blog to cover 2011 as well (despite the address--which really bugs me now that it's inaccurate).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

week sixteen

I can't decide this week.

This one gets the sentimental vote.
I wish we could take the doorjamb with us when we eventually move.

This one cracks me up--especially considering we're in RUSSIA
where on-street parking is just as likely to be on-sidewalk parking.

The little man says, "YOU are correctly parked?"


  1. Oh, my yes! And that looks like it is in one of those little courtyards where if you can eek your way in, you part ANYWHERE. I would never drive in Moscow, never. I'd count it all good exercise! The stress of having a car - when you might find it completely blocked in (or disappeared, as yours sometimes is) would be too much for me.

  2. Oh my goodness! How much has Lexi grown in total?

    That's awesome . . . if you can't take the doorjamb, you'll have to frame the last photo of it!
